Monday, January 7, 2013

Food for Thought

Even though I have been vegetarian for 12 years, I ate heavy, rich meats for 28 years. I think seasons of change best fits my psychological profile. It is interesting how many of us look for that "thing" that works, in fact always works, and we find our justifications for believing it, whether it be scientific, yogic or biblical, holistic or moral. Nothing processes the same way all the time in the body throughout one's life, but I feel that some of our scientific methodologies or otherwise can give a roundabout, general explanation.

 For example, Lactose free milk is working quite well for me right now, and I decided to become gluten-free and stop eating wheat and soy products (soy meats and soymilk were a huge staple). In two weeks, it's quite possible that my body says "okay you are done for the moment with that." At which point, I will probably switch to an almond milk or none at all, as I may not be able to justify drinking the sugar content. 

From a yogic and ayurvedic perspective, it is on point for me to consume these products to balance and soothe my pitta influence, and is also very grounding to me at a time when I'm dealing with many ungrounding, strong forces. I blather on. I feel that our bodies can basically consume anything it adapts to, and there are studies that support it. There are also studies that support the noncomsumption for reasons above that yoga eloquently mentions. This is why sometimes I wished I could go back to not knowing, because I made all of my best food choices when I could just go on intuitive feel, and decided when something was right or not for me to consume. My two cents. Namaste.

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